Here's a picture of some awesomeness in the making. She stayed for 15 minutes and whipped herself like crazy trying to get that first double under. It didn't happen, but it will because she's trying and she wants it. What goals are you looking to achieve?
If you can't make it in on Thursday, you will be able to complete this WOD on Friday. An alternative WOD will be available Friday for those who complete this Thursday.
SKILL: Burgener warm up, Go through the 4 motions, 3x each w/PVC, then 3x each with bar. Work up to WOD weight.
WOD: "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
5 minute time cap
Rest 8 minutes THEN:
Row 800 m for time
To review a clean and jerk, watch here-courtesy of Coach Ponce. A split is not necessary for the jerk, but when you get tired, it sure comes in handy- remember back foot is stability, bring the front foot back first and then the back foot to meet it. A full rep is when your feet are completely stable under your body.
Start your kids at crossfit young, they are always watching you, and want to be just like you.
Here's some inspiration for you. Have you met Momma? She's 63 and she did WOD 13.1 - here she is reaching up during the burpees. Never ever let someone use the excuse to you that they are too old to do crossfit, we've got one tough Momma at our box! Next time you see her, tell her she's awesome because she is!
Want to brush up on some deadlift technique, keep that form proper, and that back healthy! Watch this video to keep those hamstrings active and get ready for tomorrow.
Want to string burpees together better? Watch this. There is a 6 part progression, so if you look at the links under the video, there are 5 more in the burpee series, who ever knew they could be so complex? Wear something that covers your knees tomorrow!
MOBILITY: Couch Stretch SKILL: Double Unders WOD: Modified "Joe Lengel Tribute" 5 RFT 10 Thrusters (95/65) 10 Bar facing Burpees 10 Pull Ups 57 Double Unders (114 Singles) Joe was the owner of CrossFit Toledo Intensity Fitness. “During the early hours of Monday, November 19th, an act of unspeakable violence took the life of our coach, Joe Lengel, as he was opening our box for the morning. Joe was the foundation of our CrossFit family, and we are all mourning the loss of a great man, father, grandfather, husband, mentor, and friend. Joe’s sons, Aaron and Matt, both avid CrossFitters, created a Hero WOD in honor of their father. It’s made up of movements that Joe loved and hated (in a good way)." Coach Ponce brought to my attention that on February 23, boxes around the USA came together and to do this WOD in honor of Joe, since we were doing our Paleo challenge WODS, we decided to do it this week. This is what we do in CrossFit, we form a relationship not only within our box, but within the entire CrossFit Community- we support each other, we cheer for each other, until the last man finishes.