WARM UP: 10 min
20 double unders
10 Shoulder to overhead (PVC, bar)
10 jumping lunges
10 inchworm pushups
10 leg swings
MOBILITY: Bottom of foot smash
SKILL: Clean and Push Jerk, clean and split jerk R foot, clean and split jerk L foot, work to heavy set, find wod weight
WOD: “Gwen”
Clean and Jerk ( sets must be unbroken reps, choose a weight that you can get through the entire set w/o dropping the bar- no hand adjusting at the bottom) Rest as long as needed between sets
You get to choose the weight, and you are to use the same weight for all three rounds. Once you start a round you must NOT PAUSE when the bar is on the ground. Touch-and-go only. If you must rest, re-set your grip, whatever, you need to do it before the weights hit the deck. Any of this can be done in the front rack position, or bent over with the bar resting on your thighs.
Group warm up: Indian Jumps, Russian Twister Circle, Junk Yard Dog
WOD: Partner Musical Clean and Jerks
GAME: Tug of War

Group warm up: Indian Jumps, Russian Twister Circle, Junk Yard Dog
WOD: Partner Musical Clean and Jerks
GAME: Tug of War

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