MOBILITY: Banded Couch Stretch
WOD: 3 man team
4 stations to complete:
1) row 1500 m total (break it up how you want)- while one person is rowing, the others are working on squats- must complete 50 squats during the downtime. For each person that does not complete the squats before the end of row is 10 burpee penalty
2) 2 min hang from rig. Each time someone drops, a 3 wall ball penalty (accumulate and perform after hang). everyone must complete a 2 min accumulated hold
3) Lunge Steps, total age of the group is number of steps each person must take
4) 210 double unders, while 1 is jumping, others are in plank, 3 wall balls for every time someone puts down a leg (perform at end).