Thursday, May 30, 2013

WOD Friday May 31, 2013

MOBILITY: Barbell Quad Smash

SKILL/STRENGTH: 15 min to find 1RM Back Squat

WOD: "Annie"
Double Unders (singles x4)
Sit Ups

Rest 5 min 

800 m Run for time

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WOD Thursday May 30, 2013

MOBILITY: Hip External Rotation w/ Flexion (From seated position w/ legs in front of you, take right leg, swing it behind you, keep adductor on ground and knee bent, so shin is also on ground and inner foot is laying on ground- take left leg and bend knee so itband of that leg is perpendicular to body and outer shin and foot are on ground parallel to hips in front of you.  Put your right hand on your left foot, press down on it and lean forward- repeat on the other side)

SKILL/STRENGTH: Kipping practice, 10 minutes
(If you cannot do deadhang pull ups, you are simply working on getting your kipping swing down, if you have kipping pull ups down, you can practice kipping on the rings)

WOD: 20 min AMRAP
(working with a partner)
40 sec on, 20 sec off
Row for calories (or ring row or bent hang row w/bar)
flutter kicks (4 count)

1 partner is rowing, while 1 is flutter kicking, switch every minute.  

Score is total calories rowed or reps pulled per team.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WOD Wednesday May 29, 2013

MOBILITY: Shoulder Rotator Smash and Floss 

SKILL/STRENGTH: Deadlift 5RM (should be ~5lb heavier than the last time you did it)

Backsquat (115/75)
Hollow Rock
Double Unders

Monday, May 27, 2013

WOD Tuesday May 28, 2013

MOBILITY: Overhead Tissue Smash (Pain ball under shoulder blade and rotate arm up and down)

SKILL/STRENGTH: Turkish Get Ups E2MOM 2 each arm for 5 rounds.

WOD: 12 min AMRAP
4 TGU (2 each arm)
12 KBS (55/35)

CASH OUT:  3 min Plank Hold- every time you drop, 5 wall ball penalty- accrue and do all penalty throws at the end.

Congratulations to everyone that participated in The Murph today.  That was a tough WOD, inspired by a great hero.  Way to go everyone!  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

WOD Friday May 24, 2013

MOBILITY: Shin Smash 2 min each side

SKILL/STRENGTH: Squat Snatch 3x3x3x3x3

WOD: 3 Rounds
3 min AMRAP
1 min max Clean and Jerk (70% of 1RM Clean)
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Swipers
Rest 1 minute 

Score is Total clean and jerk plus total sets of jumping lunges and swipers.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WOD Thursday May 23, 2013

MOBILITY: Adductor Smash, 2 min each side

SKILL/STRENGTH: 10 min to establish 1RM Power Clean

WOD: "Wood" (30 min time cap)
400 m run
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
10 SDHP (95/65)
10 Thruster (95/65)
Rest 1 min
The meaning behind the WOD:
Brett Woods was killed in Afghanistan on May 23, 2006 when he stepped on an IED device.  He was the first Australian soldier to get  a hero WOD named after him.  One of his friends chose the workout for him and here is why:

HERO Workouts Of the Day’s are meant to be tough and to test your physical and technical ability. Brett loved running, reflected in the 400m sprints. Brett loved standard lifts and repetitions, which you’ll discover in SDHP, and thrusters. When it comes to the burpee box jumps, well, this is a lung and leg buster, and that is something Commandos and Soldiers alike endure in training and on operations. The rest is for consolidation, reflecting on what has been and what is about to happen. 
Jamie Z.”

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WOD Wednesday May 21, 2013

MOBILITY: Partner Quad Smash

SKILL/STRENGTH: 15 min to find 3RM Back Squat

5 min EMOM  max dips, finish the minute with leg lifts
Rest 1 min
5 min EMOM max TTB, finish the minute with mountain climbers

Score is Total dips and total TTB

CASH OUT:  Row 500 m for time

Monday, May 20, 2013

WOD Tuesday May 21, 2013

MOBILITY: Tricep Smash

SKILL/STRENGTH: Snatch Balance
In case you don't remember Snatch Balance, watch this video

10 RFT
200 m run
3 Snatch (95/65)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

WOD Monday May 20, 2013

MOBILITY: Shoulder Rib Fix

SKILL/STRENGTH: 3 x 5 KB Clean each hand

WOD: 8 min AMRAP
8 Push Press (115/75)
8 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14)

CASH OUT:  Hollow Rock Hold For Time

Thursday, May 16, 2013

WOD Friday May 17, 2013

MOBILITY: Roll all 360' around the knee with pain ball

SKILL/STRENGTH: E2MOM 5 Thrusters- 10 min to find 5RM

WOD: "Jackie"
1000m row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull Ups

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

WOD Thursday May 16, 2013

MOBILITY: Roll calves out on foam roller, 2 min each leg

SKILL/STRENGTH: 10 min to find 7RM Deadlift 

30 Deadlift (80% of 7RM)
25 Body Complex Progressions (airsquat, push up, sit up, superman, tuck jump)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

WOD Wednesday May 15, 2013

MOBILITY: Banded sumo stretch

SKILL/STRENGTH: Grip work on the bar

WOD:  Individual Chipper
75 Power Cleans (95/65)
75 Burpees  (95/65)

Even minutes work on power cleans, odd minutes work on burpees 
EMOM-3KBS (55/35)

Score is time of completion.

Monday, May 13, 2013

WOD Tuesday May 14, 2013

MOBILITY: Reset YOur Knee, click here to watch the video on how to do this

SKILL/STRENGTH: 15 min to find 5RM Back Squat

20 Wall Balls (20/14)
25 Superman
30 weighted OH walking Lunges (25/15)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

WOD Monday May 13, 2013

MOBILITY: ITBand Roll 2 min each side

SKILL:  5 min to work on month's challenge/set up for WOD

WOD:  "Katrina Galbraith Lawrence WOD"

34 Box Jumps for Justus (24in/20in)

6 RFT:
14 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
12 Front Squats (135/95)
8 Burpees 
3 Squat Cleans (135/95)  
1 Thruster (135/95) 
36 Box Jumps for Katrina (24in/20in)

* Rep = Children’s and Parents’ Ages* Rounds = Number of Children

 For the whole story, you can click here:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

WOD Friday May 10, 2013

MOBILITY: Ankle smash/roll with pain ball

SKILL/STRENGTH: Practice Sledgehammer pulls

WOD: 10 min AMRAP
10 Ring rows
20 Situps
30 Air Squats

GAME:  Plank wars

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

WOD Thursday May 9, 2013

MOBILITY: Plantar Fascia Roll

SKILL/STRENGTH: 10 min to work on Handstand, Free standing handstand, walk on hands, HSPU, HSPU on box progression

WOD: "Bear Complex" 
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat 
Push Press

Work through this 7 times without dropping the bar, this is one round!

You are doing 5 Total rounds, rest in between each round and increase weight each round to find your 1 RM.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

WOD Wednesday May 8, 2013

MOBILITY: Shoulder Rib Fix

SKILL: 10 minutes to find 3RM Thruster 

18 double unders (54 singles)
15 push ups
12 grasshoppers (left + right=1) ***
9 KBS (55/35)
6 Goblet Squat (55/35)
3 Thrusters (70% 3RM)

*** Grasshopper is starting in plank and like a mountain climber, but you are crossing one leg under the body and touching the shin to the opposite arm, as quick as possible.  Here is a video of three different levels in slow motion.

Monday, May 6, 2013

WOD Tuesday May 7, 2013

MOBILITY:  Shoulder Pass Throughs

SKILL/STRENGTH:  15 min to find Deadlift find 5 RM

WOD: 15 min AMRAP
Up Ladder- 1 Squat Clean, 1 Deadlift, 1 TTB
then 2, then 3, etc.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

WOD Monday May 6, 2013

MOBILITY:  Pigeon Stretch

5 min 5 EMOM and hold squat in between

WOD:  5 min AMRAP
20 double unders 
5 OHS (115/75)

Rest 5 minutes

Run 1 mile for time 
(coach's approval needed for modification)

Friday, May 3, 2013

WOD Saturday May 4, 2013

MOBILITY:  Banded Hip Flexor Stretch

SKILL/STRENGTH:   10 minutes to work on Kipping/Pull Up Progression

WOD:  "Cinco de May I do more Wall Balls-er"
Partner chipper
200 Wall Balls

One partner works on wall balls, one does 5 KTE, when the KTE are done, partners switch until the wall balls are complete- each person keeps track of their own wall ball total.  Whichever partner (from each group) does the least amount of wall balls does a 500 m row consolation prize at the end- if there is a tie between partners, both partners will row 1000m each at the end.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

WOD Friday May 3, 2013

MOBILITY:  Couch Stretch


WOD: 8 min AMRAP
5 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
5 Burpees

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WOD Thursday May 2, 2013

MOBILITY:  Calf Smash and Roll

5 KBS (heavier than what you WOD w) - hold plank rest of minute

WOD:  20 min AMRAP  "CrossFit Uno"
Wild:  Body Complex Progression x5
Reverse/Skip/Draw 2:  10 x movement
Draw 4:  Row 400m
YELLOW:  Double Unders
GREEN:  Push Press (75/55)
BLUE:  Medicine Ball Cleans