MOBILITY: Hip External Rotation w/ Flexion (From seated position w/ legs in front of you, take right leg, swing it behind you, keep adductor on ground and knee bent, so shin is also on ground and inner foot is laying on ground- take left leg and bend knee so itband of that leg is perpendicular to body and outer shin and foot are on ground parallel to hips in front of you. Put your right hand on your left foot, press down on it and lean forward- repeat on the other side)
SKILL/STRENGTH: Kipping practice, 10 minutes
(If you cannot do deadhang pull ups, you are simply working on getting your kipping swing down, if you have kipping pull ups down, you can practice kipping on the rings)
WOD: 20 min AMRAP
(working with a partner)
40 sec on, 20 sec off
Row for calories (or ring row or bent hang row w/bar)
flutter kicks (4 count)
1 partner is rowing, while 1 is flutter kicking, switch every minute.
Score is total calories rowed or reps pulled per team.